Category: Social Skills
6 Signs That Your Dog Feels Safe With You

You know that you have your dog’s back, but does your dog feel the same way? Here are 6 signs that your dog trusts you!
Why Teaching Your Dog to Be Bored Could Be a Good Thing!

Learn why boredom tolerance may be a useful alternative to boredom busters for your dog!
5 Communication Signals Your Dog Wants You to Learn

Your dog says it’s time for you to take a hint! Learn these 5 communication signals to better understand what your dog is trying to tell you.
Does Your Dog Want a Sibling?

Thinking of adopting a second pup to keep your current dog company? There are a few things you should keep in mind!
How Your Dog’s Breed May Influence Their Personality

While dog breed may only account for a small portion of your dog’s personality, there are some things you should know about how their genes are influencing their behaviors!
How to Teach Your Dog to Behave Well in Public Places

Wish your dog could hang out calmly while you enjoy a coffee or a meal in public? These tips may help!
3 Naughty Dog Behaviors and How to Fix Them

Your dog may be driving you nuts with these common behavior problems. The good new is, there’s an easy fix!
7 Things to Let Go of as a Dog Owner in 2024

Sure, new year’s resolutions are great. But so is letting go of some dog owner baggage from 2023!
Care Tips for Small Dogs

Looking to make your small dog’s life happier, healthier, and more fulfilling? Take a look at these care tips for small dogs!
Pros and Cons of Playing Frisbee with your Dog

There are quite a few benefits to playing frisbee with your dog. But is it worth the risks?