Category: Puppy Care
How to Give Your Dog a Healthier Coat
Reduce itching and improve their natural shine with these helpful hints towards healthier skin and fur!
How Artificial Intelligence is Changing Pet Ownership
From training bots to smart litter boxes, we’re already seeing the impact of artificial intelligence on pet ownership! Learn more about the pros and cons of this technology.
Why Does Your Dog Sniff Everything?
And we mean everything! Learn more about your dog’s sense of smell and why it’s so important for them to sniff.
What Age Dog Should You Adopt?
Before adopting a dog, something important to consider is what age is right for you and your family!
7 Gifts to Give The Dog Lover in Your Life in 2023
Not sure what to get the dog lover in your life? This 7 holiday gifts are sure to get those tails wagging!
Puppy Blues: How to Make Puppyhood a Little Easier
Puppy blues are feelings of stress and frustration that many dog owners experience aftering bringing home a new pet. Here’s what you can do about it!
Welcome Home Your New Dog with the Rescue Dog Rule of Threes!
Wondering what to expect when you bring home your new furry family member? The Rescue Dog Rule of Threes explains what your dog is feeling after three days, weeks, and months in their new home!
How to Prepare a Puppy to Ride in the Car
Wondering how to prepare your puppy for a safe driving experience? Take a look at our tips for stress-free driving with a puppy in tow.