Installation Video

BreezeGuard® installation is very simple, but watching our installation video will get you started in no time. You can also download a PDF of our installation instructions here. 

If your vehicle is not listed on our Order page, you will need to provide a template for your windows. We’ve prepared the video below to help or feel free to contact us and we will be happy to help.

Think Twice Before Rolling Down Your Car Window for Your Pup

It’s ok, the video below has a happy ending, but it offers a cautionary “tail” that demonstrates part of the dark side of why we make our BreezeGuard® screens. We always try to focus on the comfort of the dog but the reality is we worry. (Note: video contains profanity)

Never Leave Pets in a Parked Vehicle
Each year, despite warnings about the dangers of heat stroke issued to pet owners, dogs continue to be left inside parked cars. This is a dangerous practice with sometimes tragic results. Leaving your windows cracked open does not provide sufficient air circulation inside a parked vehicle. In fact, many states now have some form of a “hot car” law on the books and many more have bills pending. This table also shows the legal protection, by state, for animals left in parked vehicles.

BreezeGuards offer an option.
Keep your pets cool and safe, and give yourself peace of mind.

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